October 25, 2009

The Big Leap

The big leap into fatherhood is upon me and i have taken it with a different approach than most. People have asked am i scared, has it really hit me yet, am i ready for all "this", and all other kinds of different questions with negative connotations. I say to those folks and to the world i am ready to make that leap and so should you. As fathers we should be excited to be the ultimate difference maker in this world. We have the chance to do things different and better then we have ever seen them done. We get the chance to show someone what responsibility is, what a good jump shot should look like, what it means to be truly loved, why it is so important to have comfortable shoes, how to catch a spiral, what manners are, how you can be better than your dad and countless other things that most people don't know. There is always a better way to look at things, especially monumental things in ones life like fatherhood. So i challenge myself and i challenge you if you have them on the way, have children, or thinking about having them to take the big leap into being the Ultimate Difference Maker.

August 16, 2009

as long as you love me everything will be OK.

I told me wife the other, "as long as you love me everything will be OK." She asked why i was being so serious. Really i had no idea why i was being so serious but I knew i wanted to tell her that. As husbands we forget some times how much our wives love us and how much that love empowers us. It can make us go back to school to get better, it can make us travel all over the world for work, or just make us take a night off to make her feel special. I have wrestled with a few decisions over our time together and and cant seem to forget how much her love brought me through it or helped me see clear. Remember the love of your wife like most things in life is not guaranteed; hold on to it, cherish it, and do something with it.

August 02, 2009

When your good, I am better!

My wife came home from on of her long exercise walks the other day and she had this look on her face that was a combination of relief and and release. I asked her, "are you good?" She said,"am good." My response was great "When you good and I am better!" That statement to me captures just about everything this whole marriage things should be about. A person feeling better about making their partner feel good. Mind you I and nothing to do with her walk but just knowing she was good made me smile. I hope we are all doing that, both husbands and wives, feeling good about making the other person feel great. Most of the time, besides this particular one, we do have to be the catalyst of that good feeling. That means giving when we feel we have nothing left, that means not saying anything when we feel we have so much to say, that means going when we feel like staying. I can go on for days on the different way in which we all be asked to make our partner feel good. The point of it all is to do them and to do them with that other person in mind.

I look forward to reading you thoughts on this post.